
It’s about progression, not perfection!

Perfectionists are very special people. I have the utmost admiration for them, secretly envying their focused minds versus my unbounded chaos; their setting goals and relentlessly striving to achieve them versus my setting 78 goals at once, tripping over one and the other, rethinking 74 of the lot before settling back into my brain, juggling the clutter within. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

How grateful I was to read the quote: “Strive for progress, not perfection”. HA! There’s hope at the end of the chaos!

Progress is growth, improvement, and betterment. Progress is a positive movement forward. Focusing on progress liberated me from the shame of imperfection and ended my anxiety-ridden quest for an impossible ‘perfect’ future. It allowed me to recognize what is improving in my life and therefore giving me evidence that there is more goodness to come. Better still, seeing progress in myself made me recognize it in others, greatly improving my relationships. I stopped demanding perfection from them, stopped being frustrated by their own mind and heart messiness, and gave them space to be and grow.

Make Progress:
Act with kindness and compassion towards yourself and others.
Be aware of the ways (even the smallest) you move forward each day.
Be aware of what you’ve learned at the end of each day.
De-clutter your mind of negative thoughts about yourself, others and the world around you.
Set small goals and watch them bloom.
If you regress, give yourself a break then take just one step.
Take another step.
Take a good look inside the imperfection of you.
Look again.
Look again.

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